Why Does My Hair Dry Out So Fast?

Do you wet your hair down only to find that it's bone dry a few minutes later? There are several reasons why this might be happening. In this blog post, we'll share a few of the most common culprits behind quick-drying hair - some of them may surprise you!

You Have High Porosity Hair

High-porosity hair is more susceptible to drying out quickly because it has raised cuticles. This type of hair absorbs moisture easily but has a hard time retaining it. If your hair dries out fast, feels dry and straw-like, or is frizzy and difficult to manage, you may have high porosity hair.

Know that some people have naturally high porosity hair - so it's not always a negative thing. But it can also be caused by damage.

You Have Heat Damage

Do you use heat-styling tools often or at a high temperature? This could be the reason your hair dries out so quickly. Heat damage weakens the hair shaft and causes the cuticle to lift, making it difficult for your hair to retain moisture. If you're using heat styling tools every day, try cutting back to a few times a week and using a heat protectant when you do style.

You Have Chemical Damage

Chemical damage is often to blame for hair that dries fast. A couple of things happen when you have chemical damage, including:

  • The cuticles become raised and porous, making the hair more susceptible to drying out

  • The hair shaft becomes weak and brittle, leading to breakage

Chemical damage stems from over-processing with things like bleaching, straightening, and coloring. If you've noticed your hair drying out more since you started using these treatments, that's likely the reason why. Try giving your hair a break from chemicals for a while and see if that makes a difference.

You Live in a Dry Climate

If you live in a dry climate or an area with low humidity, that can lead to fast-drying hair. The lack of moisture in the air results in accelerated moisture loss in your hair. One way to combat this is by using a humidifier in your home, especially in the winter when indoor heat can make the problem worse.

You Have a Medical Condition

Certain medical conditions can cause hair to dry out quickly. One example is an underactive thyroid (or hypothyroidism), which can lead to dry skin and hair. If you've noticed other changes in your body along with dry hair, it's worth talking to your doctor about the possibility of an underlying condition.

Your Hair Hydration Routine is Lacking

Of course, one of the most common reasons for dry hair is simply not using enough hydrating products in your hair care routine. Hair that feels dry and straw-like is crying out for more moisture. Give it what it needs by using a deep conditioner at least once a week and incorporating a leave-in conditioner or serum into your daily routine. The exact hydration routine that works best for you will depend on your hair type, environment, personal preferences, and more. So, experiment until you find something that works.

You Don't Drink Enough Water

Staying hydrated is important for overall health, but it's also crucial for keeping your hair healthy. When your body is properly hydrated, it can result in better-moisturized hair as well. Try to drink about 8 cups of water per day.

We hope this article has helped shed some light on why your hair might be drying out faster than you'd like. Remember, there are a variety of factors that can contribute to dry hair - but with the tips in this article, you can increase your hair's moisture levels over time. Good luck!




Author: Andrea Reyes

Andrea is a mother, wife, writer, and natural hair enthusiast of 15 years. Currently on her natural hair journey, she’s been trying countless products and techniques to understand and embrace her natural hair. She is the creator of NaturallyTextured.com, a new website featuring informative articles that share tips, tricks, and techniques aimed to help others learn to love their hair through proper hair care. She writes with the hope of making hair care easier to understand and implement.

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